Friday, May 20, 2011

3 months later

It's been three months since Lauren burned her hand.  When it first happened, we had no idea how bad it was.  We had no idea what to expect or how her hand would respond to the burn.  It was very stressful not knowing if she would need a skin graft, lose mobility in her hand or if she would have a terrible scar. 

Just three months later, her hand and wrist look amazing!  God's hand really was with us through it all! 

As you can see, she has full mobility in her hand!

Thank you for all your prayers!


  1. Amazing!! I can't believe that was 3 months ago!! Wow!

  2. Awwwww, she is just the sweetest! I am so glad her hand is healed. :)
    Squeeze her for me.

  3. Amazing! She's a beautiful girl.
