Tuesday, March 8, 2011


This morning I awoke at 5am to Donald waiting for me patiently in the incubator!  I had checked on the eggs at 1:30 and didn't see any major progress on the hatch, so I was very surprised to see the little guy. 

Donald's egg was the one that was rocking all day yesterday.  He is quite the go getter!

He never moved very far from his girlfriend Daisy's egg.  Hopefully she will hatch very soon.

He seems to like his new cage, but I'm sure he is ready for some company.
Ethan woke up at 5:15 and Austin woke up at 5:45.  They were beyond excited to see Donald Duck!  I must admit, I was too.  He is soooo cute!  I can't wait until the others hatch!

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