Saturday, February 26, 2011

Lauren's 2nd Birthday

Today we celebrated Lauren's 2nd birthday!  Both sets of grandparents came down to celebrate her big day with us. 



If you ask her how old she is, she says "TWO!".   Look how much she has grown since last year.  She speaks so well now and she is so much fun. 

After we ate cupcakes, Lauren opened her presents. 

Even the boys loved playing with her pots and pans.

We got Lauren a kitchen and she loves it!  She was so happy when she walked in her room and saw it. 

Her favorite present of all is the phone on her kitchen.  She walked around the house jabbering and laughing.  It was so cute!  I wonder where she gets that?

Happy Birthday Lauren!  You are such a big girl and we love you so much! 


  1. Everything looks great! I love the kitchen and the super groovy silver phone. Happy Birthday, Lauren!

  2. Happy Birthday Lauren!! We have that red! :)
