Saturday, January 1, 2011

Frosty the snowman

Christmas Eve morning we woke up to snow!  This is the gorgeous view from our condo. 
We had fun building a snowman, making snow angels and having snowball fights.

The boys had been so excited about building a snowman, so we got started right away. The snow was hard to pack, so the guys improvised and used a trashcan to make a skinny snowman.

The kids decided to name him Frosty.

Our cousin Stacy let us borrow her awesome snowball makers.  They make the best snowballs and the kids had fun throwing snowballs at each other.

Even Lauren got in on the fun!
Our little snow angels!

Lauren really loved eating the snow. 


  1. How fun!! Looks like a great adventure for the kiddos!

  2. Great picture of your family in the snow. Love the tall, skinny snowman.
