Monday, January 31, 2011

Ethan's 6th Birthday Lego Party

Saturday we celebrated Ethan's 6th birthday with a Lego party!

Ethan LOVES Legos and it was fun to go a little Lego crazy! 

I bought a Lego silicon mold and made candy out of candy melts. I cut them in half so they would fit on the cupcakes.  They were actually pretty tasty.

Eric spelled out Ethan's name in our jumbo building blocks.  
My parents bought Ethan the giant Lego head storage sorter and it looked so cute as decoration.  I made the balloon wreath following this tutorial.  I used 275 balloons and still need about 50 more to fill in around the sides, so buy more than the 144 the tutorial recommends.  The kids are very excited to get it out on their birthdays every year.

Most of our Legos are Eric's from when he was a kid.  It's funny how the faces evolved from simple smiley faces to detailed facial expressions.

The goody bags were easy to make with construction paper circles glued to colored bags.  I printed out the kids' names in Lego font found here.

When I saw the commercial for the Pizza Hut dipper pizza, I knew it was perfect for our Lego party.  We had the boys' Lego creations set around as decoration. We played a game where everyone had to guess how many Legos were in the jar.  The biggest kid of all, Rhys, had the closest guess and won a minifigure. 

Ethan's cupcake tower
We had Legos in the middle of the dining room table and a coloring station with Lego print outs. We were worried that it was going to rain, but thankfully we had wonderful weather!

The kids had fun playing outside on the playscapes,

bouncing in the bounce house,

and building Lego creations.

All the kiddos!  We bribed them to take this picture by promising cupcakes.

The partygoers

 Cupcake time!

Happy Birthday to you!

After the chaos of opening presents, the kids watched The Adventures of Clutch Powers Lego movie.  It's really cute and the kids love it.  We had a lot of fun at the party and were happy Ethan's friends could come celebrate with us. 

Happy Birthday Ethan!  We love you!

Sunday, January 30, 2011

an interview with a 6 year old

This year we started a new tradition of interviewing the kids on their birthday to see what their favorite things are.  I think it will be so fun to look back on the interviews later and see how their answers have changed!

What is your favorite number?

Favorite letter?

Favorite color?





vanilla ice cream

Favorite thing about school?
My teacher reading books to my class

Favorite thing to do at home?
Hang out with my family

Favorite thing to do outside?
Ride my scooter

Favorite book?
Jan Brett books

Favorite movie?
Clutch Powers Lego movie

Cat in the Hat

TV Shows?
America's Funniest Home Videos


Place to visit?
Yogi Bear Jellystone Parks

Who are your best friends?
Vivian and Austin

Favorite toy?

Favorite stuffed animal?

Favorite thing to do with mommy?
Help cook

Favorite thing to do with daddy?

Favorite thing to do with Austin?
Play with Legos

Favorite thing to do with Lauren?

What makes you happy?
Being with my family

What makes you sad?
Someone taking a toy from me without asking

What do you want to learn to do this year?
Learn how to play basketball

How many kids do you want to have?
Two. A boy and a girl.

Where do you want to live when you grow up?
A regular house in town during the week and a farm in the country for the weekends.

What do you want to be when you grow up?
A farmer, fisherman and artist

Thursday, January 27, 2011

Happy Birthday Ethan!

Happy Birthday to our sweet 6 year old boy!  We love you Ethan!

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

the rest of the weekend

Saturday night we had an early birthday celebration for Ethan's at Eric's parents' house. 

Gege and Granddaddy got Ethan a Spot for his birthday! He was so excited!

Ethan's used his birthday presents to combine his love of horses and building things. 
On our way home Sunday, we stopped by to see Corey and Shannon's new precious twin girls and their big sister Tatum. 



Aren't they just adorable?  It was so great to meet the twins and we wished we lived closer to Corey and Shannon so we could hang out more often! 

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Ft. Worth Rodeo

Saturday we had the pleasure of going to the Ft. Worth Rodeo with Eric's family. 

Ethan LOVES horses and was literally at the edge of his seat the entire show.

The show was amazing and we really enjoyed it!

Our little princess wasn't too crazy about walking around the fair grounds and insisted on being carried around the whole time. 

The kids loved seeing all the animals.


Austin loved the big 4 month old giant pig.  Ethan walked up to the pig's owner and said "I have a pig too, but I'm not a farmer".  The lady's response was "I'm not a farmer either!".  It was so funny!

Our little cowboy

Next we headed to the Ft. Worth Museum of Science and History. We learned about dinosaurs and had fun exploring the Children's Museum.

It was a fun-filled day at the Rodeo!

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Sarah's surprise party

Saturday night we went to Sarah's surprise party at North by Northwest.  She was truly surprised when she saw her friends and family there to celebrate her 30th birthday!

Lisa, Sarah, Sam and Jenny
It was a really fun party and we had an awesome time!  
Happy 30th Birthday Sarah!

Sunday, January 16, 2011

Ethan's first basketball game

Saturday morning Ethan had his very first basketball game!

He made his very first basket when practicing before the game.  He has never played basketball before and he is really enjoying it so far.

The spectators

Ethan got in a lot of dribble time during the game and was great at defense.  It was really fun to watch him play.  Basketball is an exciting sport!  Now I just need to learn the rules and lingo.

Luke and Ethan
We are very proud of our little basketball player!