Tuesday, July 13, 2010

the Selvage Sisters weekend getaway

I was lucky enough to spend all weekend with these lovely ladies.  We are all in a crafty Bible study every week and planned a quilting getaway together months ago. 

Even though the retreat house was only an hour and a half away, it took us about 7 hours to get there!  We had the best time stopping at fabric stores and eating along the way.  I was deliriously happy all day!

We found a new favorite fabric store in Lakeway called The Cotton Cupboard.  We must have spent hours in there and enjoyed every minute of it.
The drive to Stonewall was gorgeous and we just had to pull over to take pictures.

Emilie's Quilt Haus was absolutely gorgeous!  It's located in the hill country and the views are breathtaking.  Even more exciting than the scenery though, was the inside of the house...

The huge room had ironing stations, cutting tables and flannel design walls to piece together your quilts. The house is new and everything was well thought out and organized. 

We helped Jennie cook dinner Wednesday night and it was so delicious!

We had pork loin with mustard cream sauce, wild rice and veggies.  Jennie is so thoughtful and surprised each of us with our own fat quarter.

The property was gorgeous!
Saturday we sewed in the morning and headed to Fredericksburg for some fabric shopping and dinner.  By that evening, we were worn out!

Tired mommas!
We got a lot done this weekend!  Melissa cut, pieced and sewed together an entire quilt, Jennie made a reversible dress, a doll dress and started a raincoat, Carrey cut and pieced together 2 eye spy quilts, Lauren made two dresses and Erica finished Carter's quilt. Whew!

I cut out Austin's quilt and can't wait to get started on it!
I finally finished Lauren's quilt! I originally made it a twin size over a year ago and thankfully never had it sent off to be quilted.  Eric's grandparent's gave us a beautiful full size bed for Lauren and I was able to make the quilt bigger so it will fit on her bed.  I'm anxious to have it quilted so she can use it on her big girl bed someday!

We discovered this weekend that we can make some really cool things with the leftover selvage edges of fabric, so we started collecting them.  The Quilt Haus had us decorate a button with our group name, so we came up with the name Selvage Sisters.  Pretty cute, huh?

I had a wonderful weekend and I can't wait to spend some more time with these wonderful ladies!  I foresee many more weekends away for the Selvage Sisters!


  1. Wow! Looks like you girls had a blast! Wish I would have been able to come...thanks for inviting me and making me feel welcome anyways. I'm enjoying getting to know all of you! -Amy

  2. Looks like the perfect getaway!! I cant believe all the work you got done! Woot!
