Wednesday, April 21, 2010

picnic anyone?

It's done!  Remember when I dropped it off on Sunday?  Most longarm quilters take months to finish a quilt, but 48 hours after I dropped it off, it was ready and in my eager hands.  I will now always use Bluebonnet Star Quilting for my quilts!

The front of the binding was machine sewn on for me, but the back still needed to be hand sewn.  I was so excited to see the quilt done, I finished it in less than a day.

Once the binding was done, I threw it in the washing machine.  Since I didn't prewash the fabric, I was anxious to see what magic happened when I washed and dried it.  When I took it out of the dryer, it was beautiful and all puckered up.  It now has a vintage look that I just love.


I absolutely love it and I can't wait to get started on another one!


  1. GORGEOUS Lisa!!! I wanna make one!

  2. It's beautiful! Can't wait to see it in person. Boy, Beverly was quite the find, wasn't she?

  3. I love it! Its beautiful, quilt night soon-I hope!

  4. Looks beautiful!! Can't believe it was done soo fast!!

  5. Lisa, this is absolutely gorgeous! I have fabric to make a couple...just haven't had the courage to dive in! Guess I need to come see you, since you're the expert now! :)

  6. I think it looks amazing; what wonderful fabrics...great job!

  7. beautiful!!!!! i am so jealous! i love love love it!!! :) have a happy day friend and thanks so much for stopping by!
