Sunday, April 25, 2010

Austin's 4th birthday camping party

Sunday we celebrated Austin's fourth birthday with a camping party!  He was so excited to have his friends and family over to play.  When we sang Happy Birthday, he had the cutest look on his face.  He was so happy!

I had fun decorating the cupcakes like bugs, campfires, fish in water, worms in dirt and tents. 

The kids had fun picking out their favorite cupcakes.
We set up the tent for the kids to play in.

Eric's parents brought their boat and the kids loved playing in it.

We gave each of the kids a brown paper bag to go on a scavenger hunt for plastic bugs we had hidden in the yard. 

We had a campfire and roasted marshmallows.  If you have never tried Nutella on your smores, you are missing out.  It's divine!

The kids had a blast playing in the dark and went to bed the latest they have ever gone to bed before.  They were just having too much fun and so were we! 

Happy Birthday Austin!  We love you!


  1. Happy Birthday Austin!! What a cute idea for the cupcakes!

  2. We had a BLAST! Just LOVE parties at the Bint's!!! :)

  3. Great party. The kids had so much fun. Carter LOVES his spider! The pictures turned out great.

  4. I love your decorations! I am sorry we missed it! HAPPY BIRTHDAY AUSTIN!

  5. SO adorable! I love that it was simple but still so thematic. I am doing a camping party one day! LOVE.

  6. The entire party looks like fun, but I especially love the cupcakes. They are adorable! And what a great idea to bring a boat in. I'm sure the kids had a blast.

  7. What a fun theme! I wonder if I could get my kids to go for this one? We LIVE in a campground (as caretakers). I think I'll file this one away for when the kids are old enough to have friends sleep over for their birthdays.

    Great job on the cupcakes!

  8. LOVE those cupcakes!! What a great idea! And your children are absolutely gorgeous! :)
