Wednesday, March 31, 2010

hard core

Every athlete is likely to face an injury.
Strained muscles, torn ligaments, broken collarbones...
Blood may be shed.

Last night I had my first injury. 
I sewed through my thumb with the thick needle on my sewing machine.  When it happened, I glanced at my teammate Erica and said "I sewed through my thumb. What do I do?"  She carefully coached me to slide my thumb down the needle.
What teamwork!

Did a poke through the meat of my thumb stop me?
Hell no!
I stopped the bleeding with a paper towel and headed over to my next station (the iron) to finish the task at hand.

I guess I'm officially a seamstress now...
and a dork.


  1. I think you should get a special badge for wounding yourself with a sewing machine.

  2. Oh you poor thing! I hope your fingernails are stronger than your toe nails! :)

  3. Just reading that made me cringe!! Owwww!
