Monday, February 8, 2010

Weekend in review

Saturday we headed over to Sun City for their annual Mardi Gras parade.  We had a blast last year and the boys were very excited to go again this year!   

Even Lauren had fun getting beads!

Even though the parade was at 10:30 in the morning in an active adult community neighborhood, it was a pretty rocking parade complete with jello shots, cross dressers and fun music!
Later that afternoon, Austin and I went to the Children's Musuem to celebrate Jacob's 2nd birthday.
I loved spending some special one on one time with Austin at the museum. I must admit that I was a little distracted though since Matthew McConaughey was at the musuem too.  It's hard to act cool when you are 5 feet away from such a fine specimen.  We had a great time at the party and I can't wait to take all my kiddos back to the musuem to play!

Saturday I also completed my 30th consecutive Shred!  I really saw benefits from exercising every day and I am going to continue. As long as I plan out my day and make time for exercise, it's easy to fit it in.  I just have to make it a priority.  I'm not giving up and am looking forward to seeing even more changes in me!


  1. woah, Matthew M...I would have been WAY distracted too!

  2. Fine specimen, indeed. I'm glad you didn't jump his bones : )

  3. What a fun weekend! I am so bummed we missed the party, Madelynn has a cough/runny nose. :(
    Way to go on the shred!

  4. Thank you for taking such cute pictures of Jacob's party!!We had so much fun!
