Tuesday, February 23, 2010

12 months old!

Today Lauren turns

We celebrated by playing in the snow!  What a great birthday present for our little sweetie!

Look how much she has grown! 
This month she has really changed!  She started walking last week and is getting more steady on her feet.  She loves to cruise around holding onto furniture and is so proud of herself when she walks. She is talking more and more now.  She says bubba, daddy, bye, momma, up, and all done.  She signs all done, more, bye and milk and likes to give high fives.  Her favorite toys are balls and cars and she just started pulling bows out of her hair.  I take it on as my personal challenge to put the bow back in her hair when she pulls it out until she gives up and wears it. She may be the sweetest little tomboy ever, but momma wants her to have a bow! Ha! 

We love you Lauren and are so blessed you are our daughter!


  1. She is just a doll!! I'm a co-worker of Sherry's and I taught Trevor Soc. St. last year. He kept me posted about when the baby was due. I was so excited when she was born!haha!

    Such a gorgeous family. You are so blessed.

    Have a wonderful day!
    Kelly Such Stewart
    4th gr teacher

  2. I forgot to tell you why I was so excited! She was born on my birthday:) Sweet pea!

  3. Ahhh, how cute! I hope she had fun playing in the snow! XOXO
