Monday, December 21, 2009

to Nanny and Papa's house we go!

Sunday we spent the day at Nanny and Papa's house in Salado with Eric's family. Nanny and Papa had all their grandchildren and great-grandchildren there and we all had so much fun.  The kids literally spent hours on the hill behind their house.  They ran down it, rolled down it and even bounced down it.

The giant hill

My crazy husband brought our Tonka truck for the sole purpose of letting the kids ride down the hill.  So glad I had no idea what was going on until after they had attempted it for the first time.

Ethan actually loved running into the bushes and thought it was great fun.

Austin liked rolling down the hill too.

Inside we played games, opened presents and ate entirely too much.

We love you Nanny and Papa!  Thank you so much for your thoughtful presents!

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