Friday, October 23, 2009

8 months old

Lauren is 8 months old today!

She has changed so much this month!  She now alternates between crawling on her hands and knees and army crawling.  She is definitely mobile!  She is starting to invade the boys' toys, but they don't seem to mind too much.

Lauren has two bottom teeth and one top tooth about to pop through.  She loves yogurt, fruit and puffs, but will tolerate eating veggies and cereal. 

 She is a great little napper.  She takes a two hour nap at 9 and 1 and usually a short nap around 5. Our little sweetie sleeps through the night now!  We usually put her to bed around 7 and she sleeps until around 7 in the morning!  WOO HOO! 

Look how much she has grown!


  1. She is precious, and WOOT on sleeping all night!!! Yay!!

  2. Love the blue dress. The monthly pictures are amazing.

  3. she is getting so big...such a cutie!

  4. Awesome!! Love her in blue! You're going to treasure those month-by-month pics!

  5. Give her two big smooches from me! So cute!

  6. Hi Lisa,
    You don't know me but I'm married to Erica and Mindy's cousin. I check out your blog from time to time via Erica's and Mindy's blogs. Your kids are so cute! I love the monthly pictures of your baby girl. I just had a baby 2 months ago and loved your wooden number pictures and started doing them for my baby. Thanks for the great idea!
