Wednesday, September 30, 2009

quotes from around our house

Ethan - What's that noise?
Austin - It might be the big bad wolf.

Ethan - Blue Rat is a mouse. 

Austin - It's time to eat.  It's 13 o'clock.

Eric - Why do the boys call Austin's special tiger a girl? Oh! Is it because a tigers are girls and lions are boys?

Lisa - Let's go get in the toliet! (I meant to say the hot tub!)

Ethan - Austin called me a damp.
Lisa - What?
Ethan - Austin called me a damp like a eeber builds.
Lisa - A dam like a beaver builds?
Ethan - Yes!

Austin - God is in my heart.
Ethan - Mom, when you go to Walmart, God goes with you in your heart.

Lisa - How did I get so lucky to have such sweet kids?
Austin - From God.

Ethan - Turn the TV off, we don't want to waste power! 
Austin - Turn off the water, we don't want to waste power for the fishies!

1 comment:

  1. Awwwwww! So cute. Once, I saw Steve Carell on a talk show and he pulled a piece of paper out of his pocket and read a list of things his kids had been saying.
