Sunday, September 20, 2009

fabric flower giveaway

In honor of my
2 year anniversary of blogging coming up,
I am having a
fabric flower giveaway!

Fabric flowers are...

Adorable on a headband,
precious on a tank,

cute on a frame,
and darling on a diaper bag.

Want one for yourself or know someone who would?  I have a lot of different fabrics and colors to choose from.

All you have to do is
leave me a comment
and I will pick a winner on my two year blogging anniversary on September 26th.  It's easy to leave a comment and you don't have to have a blog to do so. I'd love to know who is out there reading!
Good luck!


  1. I love reading your blog! It always makes me smile! Love ya~ Rebecca (Becky)

  2. Great idea! I can't wait to see all of the comments.

  3. I sure hope I win a fabric flower!

  4. I love these flowers! But most of all I just love reading your blog...super creative Lisa! ~Kara S.

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. I love seeing your pictures and reading your blog.

  7. Did you already give one away? Madisonreally needs another one before Grandma & Papa come!!
    What a great way to dress up any outfit! :)

  8. I just wanted to say hi and that I am one of your readers.I often wonder who reads my blog too. I am a friend of Jennifer T's and met you once at a b-day party.

  9. Your blog is always an inspiration. Thank you for sharing your ideas and pictures, and also for the instructions for craft projects. The flowers are lovely!
