Saturday, August 29, 2009

nostalgic bananas

Frozen chocolate covered bananas take me immediately back to my childhood.  Finding one in the back of our deep freeze was like winning the little kid lottery.  I loved the perfect combination of chocolate and banana in all it's frozen yumminess.

When I stumbled upon the Chocolate Banana Pops box at HEB, I couldn't resist getting a box.  The boys and I made them this week and had so much fun. I was just hoping they would like them as much as I do.  You never know if they will even try something new, much less enjoy it.  They ended up chowing them down and begging for more. Mommy doesn't mind buying more and eating more of them either.


  1. I love frozen bananas! We have been eating them all summer. We will have to buy that kit, I am sure the girls would love them!

  2. I love those. I need to make some too. I had never had one until I was grown up and at Disney World!! Yummm!
