Tuesday, July 14, 2009

nighty night

Last night the boys tucked Lauren in and told her goodnight.

She sure loves her brothers and they love her.

Much to my dismay, Lauren slept on her tummy last night. I flipped her over to her back three times in a row and every time she flipped back on to her tummy. I kept watching the video monitor to make sure her head was to to the side and I even had to go touch her a few times to make sure she was breathing. I was a nervous wreck! I finally prayed a little prayer over her and accepted that there was nothing I could do to keep her off her tummy.

She slept the best she has ever slept! She only woke up once to eat at 4:30. Hopefully this trend continues!

She woke up happy as could be this morning. I love my little sleepy head!

1 comment:

  1. Those are sweet pictures. My girls always slept best on their bellies. :)
