Friday, June 26, 2009

my newest toy

Eric got me a new lens for my Nikon for my birthday and I LOVE it! It zooms in a lot more than the basic lens my camera came in and it lets in a lot more light. I had fun shooting some shots at my parents house this week. I love that my parents live so close and we can run over to their house and spend the day together.


  1. Fancy!!
    So, can I just go ahead a book a session with you now? ;)

  2. I guess the competition is over.

  3. Great pictures. I'm still not used to the boys' hair. I was like who's that little boy with your mom?

  4. pics look great! i shoot with the 16-85 3.5 and also have the new 35mm 1.8, love them both! so glad I made the switch to nikon...the color pop in these photos is fabulous!

  5. Awesome pics Lisa!! As usual. And, yes, I'm not used to the short hair either.

  6. Lisa, you take the most beautiful pictures, and it helps that you have beautiful subjects!
