Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Memorial Day weekend 2009

We spent our Memorial Day weekend camping on Lake Georgetown with some friends. The weather was absolutely perfect and we didn't even mind the afternoon shower we napped through. We always have fun hanging out with our camping buddies.

Saturday my parents brought my sister Sherry's kids over to play. The boys were so excited to see their cousins. Eric's parents and grandparents also stopped by to say hello. It was so nice to have everyone together again. The boys were in heaven with all their grandparents and cousins around.

Austin loved playing washers with his cousins.

Ethan LOVED playing with his new Lincoln Logs.

I'm not sure if I love roasting marshmallows more, or the boys do. They love the fire and the act of roasting the marshmallows, but don't eat them any way but straight out of the bag. What a shame, because a perfectly roasted marshmallow is delicious!

The boys had a lot of fun playing with their friends.

Lauren on the other hand, was not a happy camper. The first couple days she was either sleeping, screaming or in my arms. That's when we figured out my diet really affects her sensitive tummy. I am now on a diet of no dairy, caffeine, chocolate, carbonated drinks, alcohol or fried food. As painful as that is for me, it's worth it to have a happy baby. Sunday night and Monday our sweet little girl was back and actually enjoyed camping. Finally!

The kids had a blast playing in the water. Eric and I took turns staying with Lauren so we could enjoy it too. As hectic as the weekend was with three kids, there were definitely soak it all in moments that made it all worth it. Seeing the boys have so much fun, spending time together as a family and relaxing with friends is what camping is all about.

Happy Memorial Day!


  1. Super duper cute!! Looks like fun!!

  2. I feel your pain. I am on a dairy free diet and have been for months. it is no fun. Lauren is gorgeous!

  3. Looks like you guys had a blast! I love all the pictures!
