Tuesday, May 12, 2009

buttons and bows

I've been feeling crafty again lately.

I made this t-shirt for Madison's birthday present. I bought a cute brown tank top, drew a curly letter M with a washable pencil and sewed buttons along the line. It took a really long time to hand sew the buttons on, but I think it's so cute it is worth it!

I made Lauren a holder for all her bows. It was really easy and fun to make. I bought the wooden piece at Michaels, painted it, Modge Podged scrapbook paper on the background, added her name, and glued pretty ribbon to the back. Easy peasy! The hard part was deciding which paper and ribbon to choose. I made the ribbon super long so it will fit all her bows for years to come.

More crafts to come later this week!


  1. The bow holder is so cute. All those little tiny bows!

  2. Ahhhhhhhhh, I still wanna make my bow holder........one day!
