Monday, April 27, 2009

free fall camping

This weekend loaded up the camper and headed to San Marcos to go camping with friends. It was Lauren's first camping trip. We had a very fun, very hectic time. Our weekend was spent chasing kids, eating steak dinner and skydiving. Isn't that what everyone does when they go camping?

The boys had fun playing with all their friends.

So did we!

Marcus and his family broke in their new camper this weekend.

Lauren and Daddy chillin'

Eric, Jared, David, Sharon and Marcus all decided to go skydiving at Skydive San Marcos. When it rained Saturday morning, we weren't sure if they would be able to jump. It was really cloudy and windy, but that didn't stop them from wanting to go! Thankfully the clouds parted and they were able to jump. The cloud cover actually allowed them to jump at 11,500 feet instead of 10,000 feet.

Austin sporting his airplane shirt

Boarding the plane

There's Daddy!

One of those tiny little specks is Eric.

Eric had a nice, smooth landing. He was glad he did it, but says once in his lifetime is plenty. I think it had something to do with the double loopty loo his dive partner did.

Next time, it will be me jumping!


  1. LOVED skydiving! the first time we did it, we booked our second jump after landing! now that I am a momma, I am more nervous about doing it again though!
    super cute numbers! I don't even know what modge podge is, you are crafty!

  2. Really Lisa? You want to do it? I would love to do that sometime. Stu would kill my so I might have to do it on the DL. He he!
