Monday, April 20, 2009

days like today

slacks. wedge shoes. makeup. starbucks. meeting for lunch with friends with no children in tow. driving in my car all by myself. jewelry. skirts. curled hair. running errands during lunch all by myself.

Days like today I actually think it would be nice to work again. Working that doesn't involve changing diapers, dealing with tantrums, a fussy baby, singing the alphabet over and over again, cleaning up playdoh and dealing with three children all day long.

Getting dressed every day sounds really good to me right now too. Washing my hair every day, wearing shoes that aren't house shoes, actually fixing my hair, wearing makeup and feeling like a normal person all sound fabulous.

I know I'm just sleep deprived and exhausted, but these thoughts do cross my mind. Lauren is 8 weeks old today and it's time for me to get myself together. Most importantly, it's time for her to start sleeping through the night. I'm going to have a talk with her when she wakes up from her nap.

Today I'm going to lay in the sun while the boys play outside, snuggle my baby as we watch Little Bear and wear pajamas all day until it's time to meet my girlfriends for happy hour tonight. Put it in that perspective, and my life sounds pretty great.

1 comment:

  1. Working would be great if you didn't have the 3 kids at home and all the other stuff to do too!! I can hardly keep up and I'm only working 32.5 hours a week! There are definitely pros and cons to both!!
    At least now I'm actually looking forward to summer instead of dreading it!
