Friday, January 9, 2009

gracious friends

My dear friend Erica gave me her awesome rocking chair for the baby's nursery. It is a very nice, comfy rocker that is perfect for nursing and snuggling a baby. The chair was denim, which would have worked perfectly if we were having a boy, but it stuck out in Lauren's pink and green room.

Loving the rocker, I called to the rescue my sweet friend Amanda to help me attempt to make a slipcover for it. I had visions of a giant piece of fabric tucked into the corners to make it look halfway decent. Little did I know, Amanda was a pro and the slipcover would end up fitting like a glove!

11 hours
after we started, the finished slipcover is AWESOME! I still can't believe we made it. I use the term we very loosely. Amanda made it and I assisted her by handing her pins.

I am forever indebted to Erica and Amanda for being such gracious friends!


  1. What awesome friends you have! It is precious! I can't wait to hold Lauren.

  2. I am so proud of you all and your talents.

  3. Wow! The chair looks fantastic and the pillow is perfect. Amanda is amazing. And, Lisa, you truly have a talent for decorating. Lauren's nursery looks like something out of a magazine. She is one lucky little girl : )
