Monday, December 1, 2008

turkey day

We had a fun Thanksgiving with my sister and her family in Louisiana. The boys loved playing with their four cousins and already miss them terribly. Eric and I had fun playing cards every day, shopping and eating Russell's great cooking. In Louisiana spirit, we had fried turkey for Thanksgiving dinner. It was yummy!

Praying before our Thanksgiving meal. (Truth be told, Tatum bribed them to pretend like they were praying with a marshmallow and took a picture!)

We played Liverpool Rummy every day on my dad's handcrafted card holders.

Austin enjoyed his first taste of chocolate milk. To say he liked it was an understatement.

Eric and his boys

Taylor, Tatum, Trent and Trevor were so great with the boys. They read books, played with a giant remote control spider, watched movies and enjoyed spending time together.

Unfortunately I was too busy growing a baby last week to take a ton of pictures, even though I wish I had. We had a wonderful time and I'm so thankful to have such a loving family.

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