Thursday, December 18, 2008

Our first Christmas pageant!

Today was the boys' first Christmas pageant at their preschool. They were so excited to dress up and sing for us. There is something so adorable about seeing your little kid on stage singing and smiling. Eric and I are so proud of them for doing such a great job!

Ethan and his 3 year old friends

Austin and his 2 year old friends

Our sweet little cow sang his favorite song "Baby Jesus We Love You!"

Ethan and his best friend Wadi


  1. Lisa! Those pictures are soooo cute! Your sweet boys look like they were having lots of fun.

  2. That is so cute! I wish we could have been there. You would have been amazed to have seen Taylor in Ebony Scrouge and Trent in Grease. We'll have to watch the DVDs together.
