Monday, August 11, 2008


Today I got a ticket for the first time in 14 years.

As the boys and I were cruising home from Chick-fil-a today, I spotted a police car in our neighborhood. I immediately was nervous because I knew my inspection sticker was expired. The police officer was very nice even though I acted like a pathetic frazzled mom who couldn't even keep her inspection sticker in date. What makes it worse, was that my registration sticker was expired too. She issued me a warning for the registration and wrote up the ticket for the inspection while I searched frantically for my insurance card. Guess what? It was expired. When she came back to my window, she told me my driver's license was expired too. How pathetic am I? I had an expired inspection sticker, registration, driver's license and insurance card! I should have been arrested on the spot.

Eric has a history of speeding tickets and other traffic offenses that I would certainly be ashamed of. He quickly told me it was no big deal and we could take care of it easily. I guess my Daddy raised me to be a law abiding citizen because I feel like a big loser! From now on I will take the responsibility of making sure I am not expired!


  1. That's hilarious! Might want to go home and check your medicine cabinet too! I also seem to recall borrowing some Crisco the other day that may have been slightly past it's expiration date too (2006) :) Maybe you should ask for a calendar for Christmas! :) We love you!!

  2. Auuuhhh!!! I'm sorry Lisa! Blame it on being preggers!

  3. Does that mean you called Erica a loser when she got more than one ticket in a month?

  4. oh man, no wonder you didnt call me back!

  5. That is too funny! But at least you can renew your liscense on the internet now!

  6. Oh no! That is pretty funny Lisa!

  7. I can't believe the cop didn't take one look in your backseat and forgive you immediately. I mean you have a two and three year old. Who has time for renewing things?? Clean undies and brushing my teeth are major accomplishments some days!
