Sunday, July 27, 2008

the family reunion

Saturday night was the Curry family reunion. We all met up at a meeting hall for potluck and our annual auction. Every family brings an auction item and the money raised goes towards the reunion next year. It's always a lot of fun since the auctioneers have vivid imaginations. We ended up with a "handcrafted" skim board and a duffle bag used by "David Beckham".

You would think my boys would be good little models since I take so many pictures, but this is not the case!

Today we headed home. The ferry ride was much more enjoyable this time! The weather was beautiful and the dolphins were jumping. The kids were so excited to see the dolphins!

We had such a fun vacation with Eric's family. Jake, Ethan and Austin played so well together and the girls were awesome helpers. The boys always love spending time with their Gege and Granddaddy too. I won't forget the fun times with the "freaky mermaid", potty seats in the Yukon, pineapple trees and my underwater experience the ocean.


  1. It sound like you had a great time. I can't believe you even saw dolphins.

  2. Wow, sounds like fun!! What a great memory for you and the boys! You look really tan too!
