Monday, April 14, 2008

another busy weekend

We started off our weekend at Ethan's second soccer game. Eric and I had been talking it up all week in the hopes that he would play this time. When the game started with the kickoff, our little sweetie ran to the ball and kicked it! We were so proud and happy he was participating.

He had so much fun running around chasing the ball with his teammates.

There were just as many parents on the fields as three year olds.

After the game, we took the boys to an ice cream shop to celebrate. It was the first ice cream cone the boys ever had and they really enjoyed them!

We celebrated our neighbor Lauren's second birthday that afternoon. The kids had a blast jumping in the bounce house, riding ponies and playing together.

The birthday girl

When Ethan took off his cowboy boots at home he said "I'm done being a cowboy. Now I'm ready to be Batman!". What a cutie pie!
After the party, we rushed home to start restaining the deck.

The boys had a great time "painting" wood with special clear paint that closely resembled water. It was a great, busy weekend!

1 comment:

  1. I'm so glad Ethan had fun at soccer. Wow, that's a really big brown horse. It's nice to see Tye's little smiling face.
