Sunday, March 23, 2008

Happy Easter!

We celebrated Easter today in Louisiana with my sister and her family. We made it in really late Friday night and Ethan was sooo excited. He was so happy to see his cousins, aunt, uncle and grandparents. We were worried he would never go to sleep because he was giddy with excitement.

Our first excursion Saturday was to Lake Martin to look for alligators. We all illegally piled 13 people in the Excursion and drove around the lake. We saw at least 20 little alligators, blue birds, white birds and even pink birds. It was really fun and the kids had a blast.

Next we headed over to famous Blacks' in Abbyville for some yummy seafood. We tried oysters raw, charbroiled and fried. I definitely preferred my fried shrimp to raw oysters.

The Easter Bunny found Ethan and Austin all the way in Louisiana. They had so much fun opening the eggs and discovering what was inside. Austin's new favorite holiday is Easter simply because he got to eat candy all day! All he had to do was give it to Grandma to open, and it was his.

I hope you have a great Easter and remember why we celebrate this special day!

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