Monday, February 18, 2008

Ethan's silhouette

For Ethan's third birthday I ordered him a silhouette picture by silhouette artist Karl Johnson. I think it looks just like him!

Each silhouette is cut out freehand and is an original, one of a kind piece of art signed by the artist. From what I've read he is the best silhouette artist around and his work has been in a ton of magazines, tv shows and movies. I'm going to order Austin one when he turns three.


  1. Amazing! It looks exactly like him. I can't wait to see Austin's next to Ethan's.

  2. That is really cool. I have to check out that website.

  3. How cute ! It reminds me of Grandma's silhouettes. I can see them hanging on the wall right now.

  4. That looks great. I love those. I had one done of Logan when he was about 18 mo. by someone else. I didn't get Ellie's done at that age, so now I want to get both of their's done again. I saw his site in Parenting and have been meaning to check it out. Thanks!
