Thursday, February 14, 2008

14 things I love about Eric

  1. He takes great care of the yard in the summer and it always looks perfect.

  2. He can build things with wood like decks, picnic tables and benches.

  3. He is the best father to the boys. He wrestles with them, takes them to the pet store all by himself and puts them to bed every night.

  4. I love that he can tow, set up and breakdown our camper without any help from me. He takes care of the outside stuff, and I take care of the inside stuff. He is my perfect partner.

  5. I love his hazel eyes, mischievious smile and nice butt.

  6. He has the ability to apologize, which not all men have.

  7. He has a great sense of humor and makes me laugh.

  8. He watches American Idol with me, makes the best biscuits and gravy, and cuts the boys' hair like a pro.

  9. He is thoughtful and surprises me with gifts sometimes. The latest gifts were khaki shorts he picked out all by himself and a bottle of peach schnapps. Now that's a good man!

  10. He is a kid at heart.

  11. He encourages me to get out of the house since I'm often trapped here for days.

  12. We share common goals and morals.

  13. He is smart and witty.

  14. He takes great care of his family and is an amazing husband.


  1. Love it!! That's sooo sweet! I also love your pictures with the red borders and red smooch!!

  2. That's very nice. Technically, it's way more than 14 things, too : ) Happy Valentine's Day!
