Saturday, January 26, 2008

In this lifetime...

I came across a list Michele, Erica and I wrote when we were roommates in 2000. This was after I graduated college and before I was engaged to Eric. It is a list of things I wanted to do in my lifetime.

1. Have babies
2. Visit Guanajuato again
3. Have an outdoor garden/greenhouse
4. Sing a solo in church
5. Travel to Europe
6. Bungee jump
7. Paint
8. Have a fish aquarium
9. Marry a great man
10. Own a dog

I can honestly say that just doing number 1 and 9 are enough to make me very satisfied and happy with my life. I have done lots of painting, I've sang solos in churches, I own an awesome dog, have lots of potted plants and a fish aquarium. I still want to visit Guanajauto and Europe sometime, but I'm in no hurry. So here is my new list of things to do in my lifetime:

1. Raise happy kids

2. Run a 1/2 marathon
3. Travel to Europe, Guanajuato and Hawaii
4. Visit New York, Las Vegas, Disney World and California
5. Dance to our song on our 50th wedding anniversary
I'm sure my list will continue to change throughout the years. What are the things you want to do in your lifetime?


  1. I have never really had a list, mine was sort of an idea. My thing to do in this lifetime has always been " to experience new things, and do it with an open mind". I think I might just be accomplishing that.


  2. I love your list!
    Number one and five are definitely on my list...and I would also like to visit Hawaii.

  3. I remember our lists. You're definitely over-achieving so far : )
