Sunday, January 20, 2008

All grown up

My oldest friend Rebecca came in town to visit her parents, so we decided to get together for dinner. My friends and I don't need many excuses to get together for good food. We went to Chuy's and enjoyed margaritas and lots of creamy jalapeno dip. Yum!

During an interesting discussion over politics, I realized that I am officially a grown-up. It wasn't the house, kids or husband that brought me to this realization. It was a conversation about politics and the first one on that subject that I have wanted to willingly participate in. It's nice to talk about something other than our children every once in a while. Us mommies still have interesting things to say even though our mommy brains are slightly damaged from lack of sleep and talking to small children all day!

1 comment:

  1. I always wondered what made someone "grown up." I thought maybe it was drinking coffee : )
