Monday, December 10, 2007

Santa came to town

We went to see Santa today. The boys were really excited when he pulled up in the big, red firetruck. Ethan ran over to him immediately to greet him. They did really well waiting in line for 45 minutes to see the big guy. We almost abandoned the attempt, but were saved by candy canes and Christmas stickers. It was worth the wait.

Ethan was really excited to see Santa. He gave him a big hug and showed him with two fingers that he was two years old. He also told him that he wanted cars for Christmas. Austin wasn't too enthused with the whole thing, but did stop squirming long enough to take this picture when he saw that we had cookies.


  1. The one of Ethan giving Santa the hug is too cute. Grace was always afraid of Santa. I wonder how she'll be this year???
