Tuesday, December 11, 2007

Giddy at the gym

I joined a gym yesterday. I am so excited! We joined as a family so we can all go together. They have a nice child care center for the kids and Ethan can play indoor soccer next season too. They have all kinds of classes including yoga & body pump and a fitness center loaded with all the good stuff. I am so excited about getting in shape!

Erica and her family joined yesterday too. We met up there and were hoping the kids would do better all together. After we signed up and dropped off the kids, we felt so strange! I was nervous and giddy at the same time. I never get to drop off the kids anywhere and have time to myself. I actually couldn't help but smile as I huffed and puffed because I was so happy. The kids were having fun and so was I! I got to use the elliptical machine for 35 minutes before the child care lady came over to get me. Hey, it could have been worse! Hopefully my little Austin will get use to his new place to play. We will just keep going until he does!


  1. yay! what a great habit to get into. I really think you are going to enjoy gym time!
