Thursday, September 27, 2007

"And I say no, no, no!"

My days are filled with "no, no and more no's". My little monkeys love to climb on the bed, couches, night stands, recliner, dining room chairs and of course the train table. This behavior is not allowed. At least 50 times a day, I have to get someone off of something they are climbing on. Time outs and distraction work sometimes, but most times they are right back to it. Maybe we should lay off on watching Curious George!

Eric and I started making smoothies for breakfast and they are really good! Here are the ingredients that you mix in a blender:
- frozen fruit of your choice (we like strawberries, pineapple and mixed fruit)
- banana
- flaxseed oil
- green powder
- 1/4 cup non-fat plain yogurt
- 3/4 cup apple juice

We bought some protein powder to put in them too, but it leaves a chalky taste in my mouth. Yuck! Thanks to Sammy and Chris for telling us about the yummy smoothies!

Here is a picture of Ethan being so cute today that I forget what
a little stinker he can be!

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