Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Thanksgiving week in Instagram

The boys had a Turkey Trot at their school complete with racing bibs and water stations.  It was awesome!  Ethan ran two miles with the other second graders.

After a mile and an uphill sprint to the end, this was Austin's finish. 

Great job boys!

Friday we went to our Thanksgiving block party.  We had a great time and love our new neighborhood!

Friday night we headed to see a Stars game.  Ethan, Taylor and Trent all got on the jumbotron and were so excited. 

It was a great game up until the last minute when they lost in overtime.  We still loved cheering on our favorite home town team. Go Stars! 

Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Boys' rooms tour

When we saw the house and walked in to the boys' rooms, we were surprised there were french doors that adjoin the rooms.  The boys loved it and decided they wanted to share a room and have the other room be their playroom. 

They love their playroom.  The floor is usually covered with Legos, so I had to snap a picture when it was actually clean.  :)  We still need to paint someday, but that's not very high on our house to-do list.

The boys still love their bunkbeds and the rooms are working out great.  Someday we may have to separate them, but it's perfect for us right now.

Monday, November 26, 2012

Thanksgiving 2012

This year we celebrated Thanksgiving at our new house.  I was excited to break in the double oven and have everyone over to celebrate.  The boys helped me peel potatoes for about two minutes.

Our turkey carver

With 8 adults and 9 kids, we had a full house!

If anyone ever wants to come visit us, we have a super cozy bed for our guests.  The stay even comes with a fabulous wake up service that includes being covered with stuffed animals and sung to by a sweet little girl.

Hope you had a wonderful Thanksgiving.  We all have so much to be thankful for!

Tuesday, November 20, 2012


After four days as a working momma, I'm happy to say that I love working again!  I'm so thankful Erica saw her friend Bill's post about his company's open position on Facebook.  I owe you one Erica! 
The view from our office building 

 I'm really enjoying working again and so thankful it all worked out! 

Sunday, November 18, 2012

Bon Voyage!

Last night we had a Bon Voyage party for our dear friends Ellen and Tony who are moving back to Minnesota after a three year stint in Texas. 

We had a great time eating barbecue and chatting while the kids played. It was a fun night a nd I'm so thankful to have such great friends in my life.

I'm going to miss you Ellen, but I KNOW we will stay in touch!

Friday, November 16, 2012

Visit to Houston

 Saturday morning we headed to Houston to see Sherry and her family. 

The Webbs and my parents came in town too so we could all watch Tatum in her very first play!

She was a candy girl in Willy Wonka Jr. and did a great job! 
We are so proud of you Tatum! 

Sunday, November 11, 2012

Our week in Instagram

During our playdate with friends, some deer stopped by to munch on the kettlecorn Eric dumped out for them.  We all got really excited when we spied the buck! 

We met the boys up at school for their Thanksgiving lunch. 

Friday night we had movie night with Carter and Hayden.  We love having our friends live so close!

I got a 
J O B! 
After 7 1/2 years at home with the kids, I'm excited to say that I have accepted a position as an admin with a new local business.  I will work from home most of the time and Lauren will go to preschool every day.  She is a busy little girl and it will be really good for her. It's going to be a big change for our family, but we are all very excited about this new chapter!

Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Ethan for President!

Two reasons I would make a good President:
I can be responsible and help

The person I would want to be my Vice President is:
My brother Austin

This person would make a good Vice President because:
I can count on him

Two people I would choose to help me and give me advice are:
My mom and Dad

I would choose these people because:
I love them.

The pet I would have in the White House is:
Two lizards and one frog

The problem facing kids I would work to solve is:

As President, I would solve problems by:
Making the world a better place

Friday, November 2, 2012

10 years

Happy Anniversary honey!  I love you!

Thursday, November 1, 2012

Halloween 2012

For Halloween this year we had a mummy,

a ninja,

and a cat.

Ethan was in full mummy mode all night.  He would try to scare little kids and pretend to eat everyone.  Austin fit right in with the other 3 ninjas running around.  If anyone told Lauren she was a cute cat, she would say "I'm not a real cat.  I'm a little girl dressed up in a cat costume".  That girl cracks me up!

The girls
 The boys

For the past 4 years, there has been a Halloween party in our culdesac.  We were happy to continue the tradition!  We grilled hot dogs and hamburgers before we hit the streets for some trick or treating.

The giant group of kiddos at the party.

 We had a great time trick or treating with friends around our loop.  Eric and I were shocked that there were no cars around and we could walk in the streets.  It was so fun!

The after party included sorting and counting all their candy.

It was a super fun Halloween and we love our new friends!