Tuesday, October 9, 2012

last week in Instagram

Lauren hasn't been wanting to take naps the past couple weeks.  She will always fall asleep though if we are in the car or if she is watching a TV show.  I guess that will have to be my new strategy.

I had a job interview!  I was contacted by a recruiter out of the blue and had an interview last Wednesday.  I should hear something this week...

Saturday we had a record breaking Market Days!  It was super busy and the weather was gorgeous!

So gorgeous we had our longest line ever! 

Gege and Grandaddy came last week to help us around the house and take care of the kids while we were in Wimberley.  Lauren loved walking around in Gege's glasses.

We met some friends at the trees in our old neighborhood and had fun exploring.  It was a crazy week and this week is even busier!

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