Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Home sweet home

We are all settled in and loving our new house.  I finally unpacked my camera charger, so I can blog!  We moved in a week and a half ago and have most boxes unpacked.  We still have lots of organizing to do before we start painting.

We are so thankful for our friends and family's help moving.  Our parents, Scott, Jared, Hayden, Markus, Tony and Trent were awesome and we couldn't have done it without them.  Special thanks to Samantha and Trent for letting us take over their garage and keeping our plants alive while we were on vacation. 

We are loving all the wildlife in the greenbelt behind our house.  My coffee tastes even better on the covered back porch in the morning.

We've been working hard in the backyard too.  The back section of the yard had dead grass and lots of dirt, so we laid a pallet of sod and finished a new flowerbed.  It's coming together and we couldn't be happier here. More pictures to come soon!


  1. A big sigh of relief now that you've arrived. There will always be projects, so don't forget to stop and enjoy a cold drink on the patio with your hubby. Can't wait to come and visit!

  2. Yay!! I cant wait to see it, and see YOU!
