Tuesday, April 24, 2012


Austin enjoyed playing soccer on his birthday.

Lauren is a good sport at the games and likes to cheer on her brothers.

This week Ethan gave a presentation to his class on the green iguana.  He learned all about the rain forest in Quest and then picked an animal to study.  He did great and is a natural presenter like his daddy.

Speaking of lizards, this week we babysat our friend's bearded dragon Ralphie. 

The boys loved feeding Ralphie crickets and taking care of him.  Hopefully we can babysit again sometime!


Austin celebrated his birthday with his classmates at school with superhero popsicles.   

Lauren has a lower respiratory infection and is handling it like a champ.  She is already doing much better.

We close on the selling of our home Thursday and will officially be renters until June.  Now it's definitely time to find a house!

1 comment:

  1. I'm so glad ya'll are enjoying Ralphie! Happy Birthday Austin!
