Monday, April 30, 2012

Soccer Saturday

Saturday Austin and Madison played soccer against each other!  Before the game, Austin said "I don't want to play soccer against my best friend!".

They both had great games and scored goals!

Next up was Ethan's game.  He had a great game too!

Ethan's team didn't have enough players, so Austin got to fill in.  He did great and didn't mind being the youngest one out there. 

We are so proud of our soccer players!

Tuesday, April 24, 2012


Austin enjoyed playing soccer on his birthday.

Lauren is a good sport at the games and likes to cheer on her brothers.

This week Ethan gave a presentation to his class on the green iguana.  He learned all about the rain forest in Quest and then picked an animal to study.  He did great and is a natural presenter like his daddy.

Speaking of lizards, this week we babysat our friend's bearded dragon Ralphie. 

The boys loved feeding Ralphie crickets and taking care of him.  Hopefully we can babysit again sometime!


Austin celebrated his birthday with his classmates at school with superhero popsicles.   

Lauren has a lower respiratory infection and is handling it like a champ.  She is already doing much better.

We close on the selling of our home Thursday and will officially be renters until June.  Now it's definitely time to find a house!

Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Erica's 5th annual birthday happy hour

Yesterday we celebrated Erica's 38th birthday at Z'Tejas for the 5th year in a row.  We had the best time relaxing on the patio, eating yummy food, drinking awesome drinks and catching up.  I am so fortunate to have these ladies in my life.

Happy Birthday Erica!

Monday, April 16, 2012

Thursday, April 12, 2012

Easter 2012

We spent Easter weekend with family and friends in Luling at Leisure Resort.  Saturday Eric and I popped kettle corn while the kids stayed at our campsite with everyone. The kids had fun dying Easter eggs.

Our Easter egg hunts this year seemed to be in fast forward mode!  The kids are fast!

There were tons of lightning bugs and the kids collected handfuls of them.

The Easter Bunny found our camper!

More Easter egg hunts!

Happy Easter!

Monday, April 9, 2012

strike three

We are very happy that our house sold so quickly.  We are even more happy that the buyers are doing a lease back for us and we have the house until the middle of June.  This will give us time to find our new home and let the boys finish out school.

We have not had the best luck finding a new house.  The market is very hot right now, which is great for sellers, not for buyers.

This is the first house we put an offer on.  It was on a half acre lot, on a culdesac in a great neighborhood and it had a pool.  It was my favorite.  The seller's agent didn't communicate there were multiple offers, and it sold for full asking price. 

This is the second house we put an offer on.  It had 4 bedrooms plus a study, on a culdesac, 3 car finished out garage, with a greenbelt and walking trail to it's left.  We offered full price less than 24 hours on the market and the other buyer offered above asking price first. 

The last offer we made was on 2.5 acres, had gorgeous trees, separate workshop, secret garden and additional garage space. We offered full price, only to have the seller raise the price $10,000.  When he countered us, we accepted the counter offer.  He never accepted the offer he made us because he received an offer for $20,000 above asking price. 

We have faith that God has the perfect house in store for us.  This is a difficult process and we are hanging in there! 

Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Zooma 5k 2012

Saturday morning we ran/walked the Zooma 5k for the second year in a row. 

After the race we feasted on chicken fried chicken, shopped in downtown Bastrop and floated in the lazy river at the Hyatt Lost Pines.

We celebrated our big run with a buffet dinner at the resort.  It was ridiculously good.

It was so good, we had to change into comfy clothes and dip our feet in the hot tub.

The next morning we rode bikes around the property and soaked in the sun.  We had a great time and I can't wait to do it again next year!

Tuesday, April 3, 2012


Yesterday was Eric's 35th birthday, so my parents and Aunt Sammy Jo came over to babysit so Eric and I could go out to celebrate.  I didn't tell Eric any of our plans for the evening, but just told him to drive towards Round Rock.  As we got closer to our destination, I told him we were going to eat at Pluckers.  While we love it, it's not somewhere we would normally go for a birthday dinner.  When he pulled into the parking lot, I redirected him to Allen Boots where he picked out a nice pair of work boots.

Here they are!  He was really surprised.

After boot shopping, we headed over to Z Tejas for dinner.  Felisha and Jared met us there and we had a great evening relaxing on the patio.

Happy Birthday Eric!  I love you!