Thursday, January 12, 2012

treasure hunting

Wednesday night I was fortunate enough to preview an amazing estate sale just off Riverside. The house was amazing! It was very old, with stately carved doors with old fashioned wooden latches, gorgeous views of downtown Austin and stunning architectural design.

Erica, Carrey and I were free to roam the house and peruse the tables and tables full of nick knacks, kitchenware and household items.

My pile of treasures!  I scored a vintage hand sewn hexagon quilt top, copper platter, aqua jug, box of wooden spools, tea cup for Lauren, milk glass pedastal and owl bottle opener.  I only paid $25 for all of it!  Woo hoo!  After the estate sale, we were giddy! I can't wait to go to another one.

It was fun to find places for all my new treasures today.  Seeing my milk glass pedestal bowl next to my sink makes me happy!

This little treasure is made with vintage fabric.  Not reproduction retro fabric, but the real deal.  I plan to quilt it someday soon.

Later that night, we met Stephanie, Sammy and Melissa for drinks at Tigress before heading to Apothecary for wine and dinner. Stephanie is in town from Boca and it was so great to see her! It was great to catch up and have some girl time!


  1. It was a very good night. The colors on the quilt top are so vibrant and pretty. I can't wait to see it quilted.

  2. So happy you girls got the sneak preview! And I'm a little bummed I missed out.

  3. I cant wait to see what you do with that quilt top! :)
