Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Christmas Day 2011

Christmas morning the kids woke up bright and early.  They were excited to see if Santa found them in Louisana.


Santa always organizes everyones presents in piles at our house.  He's cool like that.  Of all the presents they got this year, I'm pretty sure their favorites are the stuffed animal Pokemons sticking out of their stockings. 

The second they opened some new Pokemon cards, they grabbed their books and put them in. 

Santa left a note for the kids in Ethan's stocking with clues to their last present.  After following the clues, they found their presents hiding by the fireplace.

The boys love their 3DS!   

Tatum gave Lauren her old DS, so Lauren has one too!  We got her a new game for toddlers and she loves coloring and putting puzzles together.

We had a wonderful Christmas with my family and feel very blessed for all God had given us!

1 comment:

  1. Love all these pics. Looks like a very merry Christmas.
