Friday, December 23, 2011

A Cajun Christmas week

Wednesday we loaded up the truck and headed to Louisiana to celebrate Christmas with my sister and her family.

Right in time for Christmas, Ethan lost his other front tooth!

Christmas in Louisiana usually involves boudain, dobash cake and alligators, so we hit up ULL to hunt for some alligators.

We spotted a turtle and an alligator!

We took the kids to see Alvin and the Chipmunks. It was pretty cute!

When we got home from the movies, we discovered a cat was stuck in the neighbor's tree. Being the hero that he is, Eric jumped the fence and climbed a tree to rescue the poor cat. Since the cat's hips were wedged between branches in the tree, Eric had to lift the cat out to free him. This is what the cat did to Eric in return for saving it...

Eric had 6 cat bites and lots of deep scratches from a cat that had never had any shots.  After a short trip to the night clinic for a tetnus shot and antibiotics, we were ready for more Christmas festivities!

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