Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Thanksgiving 2011

We celebrated this Thanksgiving with Eric's parents in Arlington.  Jennifer, Kai and the kids spent the night and we had the best long weekend hanging out!

The boys played their favorite 9 Hole card game with Jake.

The adults played Tripoli while the kids cheered us on.

We broke in Jan's new karaoke machine. 

It was so fun!

Lauren loves Jake and followed him around all weekend.

The boys enjoyed ribs instead of smoked turkey for Thanksgiving lunch. YUM!


The whole fam on Thanksgiving.

In honor of Emmy and Abby's first black Friday adventure, we all got matching neon pink shirts and puffy painted "Twilight Shopper" on the fronts.   We hit up Grapevine Mills Mall at 11:30 and didn't get home until 3:30.  We had so much fun and got a lot of attention in our bright pink shirts.  It was definitely easy to spot each other in the crowd!

We don't get many piles of leaves at our house, so a wrestle match in the leaves was inevitable.

We had a wonderful Thanksgiving and we have so much to be thankful for!