Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Saturday soccer, sleepover and spooky soiree

Saturday the boys had a soccer game at 11. Since both games were at the same time, my mom, Lauren and I spent half the game watching Austin while Eric and my dad watched Ethan. We switched at halftime so we got to enjoy both games. 

Austin scored 5 goals!  He is so aggresive on the soccer field and so determined!  It's adorable.

He does get a little cocky after he scores a goal and has a little swagger in his step.

Ethan had a great game too.  He stayed right in the mix and anticipated where the ball was going to go next really well.


He had a goal and one assist!  Look at that shot with the competition right on his heals.

He was so happy!  It was a great day on the soccer fields!

After the game, my parents took Lauren home with them to spend the night.  She was so excited to get to go with them all by herself. 


While Lauren was having fun with my parents, we went to a Halloween costume party.  It was really fun to dress up and we had a great time!
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