Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Lauren's first day of school!

Today is Lauren's first day of preschool!  She was SO excited this morning! 


She is going to the same preschool the boys went to, so she is very familiar with it and very proud it is now HER school.

She may be most excited about the Star Wars fruit snacks in her lunch box.

She LOVES her kitty princess nap mat and carried the kitty pillow around all day yesterday.  Should be interesting to see if she falls asleep on it during nap time!

When I jumped ahead of Eric and Lauren to take this picture, she said "Go Mom.  Go, go, go!" in a sweet, but annoyed voice.  She was ready to get to school!

She ran right in her classroom and started playing.  No tears, just excitement!  WOO HOO! 

Now it's time for me to go enjoy my first day kid free in 6 1/2 years!


  1. Awwwwwww, tear! She is SO BIG! Let's have lunch soon, I am off ALL DAY on Wednesdays now! ;)

  2. I think you made the most of your first kid free day : )
