Wednesday, July 20, 2011

while we were working...

the kids were having a blast!

They had fun spending the night with Gege and Granddaddy, swimming with their cousins, playing on the slip and slide, bouncing on the trampoline, going to the park, watching movies and staying up late.  The boys had a sleepover with Jake at Jenn and Kai's house while the girls stayed at Gege and Grandaddy's house with Lauren.  Aunt Jenny sent me these awesome pictures of the kiddos. 

Look at our tough little rocker guys!

I'm so glad the kids had a great time and I'm very grateful to have such wonderful family that enjoys our kids as much as we do.  Thank you Jennifer, Kai, Gege, Granddaddy, Emily and Abby for taking such great care of our kiddos!  We love you!

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