Friday, July 1, 2011

our week

Last weekend my sister and Tatum came in town from Louisiana.  It was so nice to spend time together.  We played games, went shopping, played on the water slide and ate a lot.

Lauren loved the bedtime stories Tatum read her.

Trevor came over later during the weekend to spend some time with us while Sherry and Tatum headed back to Louisiana.  Thursday morning I loaded up my boys and my parents took them and Trevor to my sister's house for a visit.  It was an 8 hour drive for them with no TV. Gasp!  They did great and spent their time playing with Trevor and searching for things out the windows.  My mom gave them a penny for every 18 wheeler they saw.  They survived and are having a great time playing with their cousins.  Eric and I are missing them and can't wait to see them Monday.

This little girl was very sad when they left, so I just had to treat her to ice cream.  She still asks for the boys every day, but is enjoying her special time with her mommy and daddy.

 I've been trying to get some sewing done on my eye spy quilt.  I have so many other quilts and projects to make, but I want to get this easy one finished before the kids are too old to enjoy it!

Today Lauren and I went over to visit Sammy and her family.  It was so nice to hang out and talk while the kids played.  Lauren and Jacob are a year apart in age and are so cute together!

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