Thursday, June 23, 2011

Martha Speaks sneak peek party!

Today I was lucky enough to host a Martha Speaks Sneak Peek Party!  The wonderful people at PBS sent me a box full of goodies and two new episodes so I could host a viewing party.  If your kids haven't seen Martha Speaks, they are missing out!  It's a great show about a talking dog that focuses on increasing children's vocabulary. The show is great for siblings of different ages since the younger kids will enjoy watching Martha, while the older kids learn new vocabulary words. 

We invited 10 friends over to watch the new shows, snack and play games.  We started off the party by reading Martha Camps Out.  I asked quiz questions after every episode and gave out prizes. 

Martha (the dog) learned to speak by eating alphabet soup, so we thought it would be fitting to munch on alphabet Cheez-Its.  We ate smores and drank lemonade since the new episodes were summer and camping themed.

At the end of the party, we had a special guest appearance by Kirby the Wonder Dog. She did all her tricks and the kids were very impressed.

The kids loved the Martha Speaks gift packs that had an adorable plush Martha dog, flip book, pencil and sticker sheet. 

Special thanks to PBS for inviting me to host such a fun party!  We love PBS and I'm so grateful they have the passion to create educational shows that my kids enjoy!  Thank you PBS!


  1. Looks like a great party. I'm very impressed with the group photo that includes the dog.

  2. Awww, I love the Kirby is in this post!!! :)

  3. The kids had such a great time. Thanks so much! We loved it.
